Opulent flowerbeds make a successful appearance in the garden and usually form its centerpiece. With the right choice of plants, flower lovers can enjoy new blooms again and again. Whether the flower bed becomes a truly colorful carpet of blossoms depends on proper care: Watering, fertilizing and pruning are the most important measures.


The right flower bed care


Remove weeds

Pulling weeds is probably one of the most unpopular gardening tasks, and root weeds in particular can challenge gardeners and gardeners, coming back again and again. To prevent the growth of these unwanted bed inhabitants, it is advisable to lay out a weed fleece and mulch the bed (for example, bark mulch) as soon as the bed is created.



For the most natural and best care of the soil, compost is the most suitable fertilizer. If the soil also tolerates a supply of nitrogen, horn shavings can also be added to the leaves and prunings. However, fertilizing should always be done thoughtfully and checked in advance to see which plants and soils require additional nutrients.



Pruning is not only important for shrubs and trees, but also in the flower bed it takes a significant position as a maintenance measure. Early bloomers are usually cut back immediately after flowering, while late bloomers are not cut back until spring of the following year. For bulbous plants, the foliage is critical, which – once completely wilted – is cut just above the ground. For tuberous plants, the wilted pile is cut off promptly. Likewise, to avoid depriving the plant of important nutrients, the leaves are not cut until they are already brown and wilted. Ground covers newly planted in spring receive their first pruning already between June and July of the same year. Here, the tips of the shoots are cut off to stimulate abundant branching. Some plants, such as summer sage, spur flowers, or delphiniums, can even bloom a second time in late summer with heavy pruning after a short break.



Watering a flower bed properly can be a challenge because the flowers planted in it usually have different needs. Neither constant wetness nor too frequent drying out will promote long-lasting blooms. An automatic watering system, on the other hand, can be adjusted to the plant’s needs and the optimal amount of water.

An automatic irrigation system offers you

  • reliable and demand-oriented watering of your plants
  • takes care of them even during your vacation or absence
  • gives you free time instead of watering time
  • also saves water costs and
  • increases growth and flowering



We are specialized in automatic irrigation systems for your garden and offer you all services – from consulting, planning to installation.

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