On 13.06.2019 the Austrian newspaper “Die Presse” reported on cooling city spots in Vienna – which are equipped with our spray fog systems.

Raintime high pressure fog technology, air steles Calafatti Square, Vienna >

“The Press” – Report 13.06.2019

Heat: Vienna discovers the spray mist

In order to make hot summer days more bearable, more fog showers are used in Vienna.

Spray mist that cools the underlying garden on heat days: In Café Landtmann (picture) “we would not want it any different”. – (c) Stanislav Kogiku

Vienna. Hardly a tree that provides shade, no pond to dip your feet into. But all the more concrete that heats up in the sun. A comparatively easy way to make the hot days in the city bearable, conquers now slowly, but also Vienna.

Namely spray mist. In various varieties, which have been tried and tested internationally for some time, it can cause cooling in public places and in guest gardens, for example. The Zieglergasse in Neubau, although not yet converted to the climatic road, is already a role model: from summer 2020 onwards – among other measures – fog showers will provide cooling.

How much more pleasant a concrete-heavy place becomes thanks to a little spray, you can now try out in the Museum Quarter: A small pavilion in the main courtyard here ensures a cooling of up to six degrees. Pressebericht Raintime Projekt Airship.01 >

Cool down in the Wurstelprater

In the Prater, too, all those who are not satisfied with the wind in the roller coaster can cool off in the mist. Just nine steles have been put into operation on Calafatiplatz in front of the flower wheel. Thanks to high-pressure pumps, they spray very fine drops of water that evaporate in the heat , This creates so-called evaporative cooling, which has a cool effect.

The nine air steles were built as part of the redesign of the Calafatiplatzes – also in other places in Vienna could be planned with the redesign also fog showers: So they are on the Neuer Markt and in the Prater Street in conversation, others are likely to follow: Only a few days ago The city announces a special budget of 2.3 million euros, with which this year and 2020 environmentally friendly cooling measures will be promoted. In addition to leafy facades fog showers are named as an example.

It also hopes to benefit from this funding, an industry for which spray systems are also becoming an increasingly important topic: gastronomy. Because at 35 degrees and more sunshades are not enough to make the stay in the garden pleasant. “In fact, the spray mist has not yet arrived at Vienna’s restaurateurs,” says Peter Dobcak, chairman of the restaurateurs in the Vienna Economic Chamber. “However, I assume that this will take a broader future.” Dobcak hopes for a promotion through the city.

Also in the Prater is set to spray mist. – (c) Prater Active

Some restaurants have come up with their own solutions – for example, the Schweizerhaus in the Prater cools the glass roof over the beer tavern with rainwater. The ice cream shop Zanoni & Zanoni on the Lugeck was a pioneer in terms of spray in the garden years ago. Cafetier Berndt Querfeld also insists on this: all the cafés of his restaurants – from Café Landtmann to the snack bar in Schönbrunn to the boathouse on the Old Danube – have such a facility , “We would not want it any different,” says Querfeld. Although the costs – between 10,000 and 15,000 euros – not just low, “the investment pays off, however, because more is consumed.” After all, the system lowers the temperature by seven degrees: “At 35 degrees no one orders anything to eat, but at 28 degrees already.”

In comparison with indoor air conditioning systems, the mist spray systems are also environmentally friendly and resource-saving: they are not power guzzlers and consume 1.5 liters of drinking water per minute. And unlike in southern countries, where partly quite adventurous constructions made of fans and water tanks provide cool air, the still quite young spray mist system in Austria is of course regulated by the authorities: The Ages regularly takes water samples and examines them for example on legionella. The spray mist systems must also be put into operation at least once a day.

Optimal cooling works when it is windless. But even if the wind carries the spray of it, that was not so bad: “One may,” says Querfeld, “the psychological effect of such a system should not underestimate.”

(“The Press”, Print Edition, 13.06.2019 – by Mirjam Marits)

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