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In the beginning, the month of March can often be very wintry, but in the course of the month there is a big change in temperature and the spring catch is unstoppable. The warm temperatures lure us out longer and the plant world begins to awaken gently from a long hibernation. The month of March is the beginning of gardening and sowing.

Garden Tips flower garden

  • Free the perennials and shrubs from winter protection
  • Incorporate compost on beds
  • Onion flowers / early bloomers such as daffodils, hyacinths, tulips, … fertilize
  • Multiply snowdrops
  • Pruning, fertilizing and planting roses
  • Plant pansies and primroses
  • Plant deciduous trees
  • Plant summer and autumn flowering perennials, grasses and ferns
  • Shrubs, cut evergreen hedges and fertilize
  • Cut back the summer lilac strongly
  • Remove potted plants from winter protection, cut and fertilize

Before planting, the plants must be well watered and soil moisture should be maintained.

Garden Tips kitchen garden

Prepare the patches

Remove mulch layer, loosen soil and work in compost. Afterwards let the patch rest for about ten days. After resting, it should be removed from weeds and planting can begin.

Sow frostbuster vegetables

Spinach, carrots, beans, radish, radishes, pickled onions, chard, beetroot, lettuce and parsley

  • Note crop rotation
  • When planting, look for mixed cultures
  • Apply fleece / plastic film as protection for sowing
  • Sow and prefer pre-cultures in the cold frame
  • Planting fruit trees
  • Fertilize fruit trees every two years
  • Cut back lavender by two thirds
  • Soft fruit shrubs begin to drive out early – pruning before the first flowering
  • Prepare raised bed
  • Sow herbs

General work in the kitchen garden

  • Mow the lawn, scarify, fertilize and seize
  • Transplant shrubs and trees
  • Clean the garden pond

Gardening Tips: irrigation of the garden

Irrigation of the garden will take on a more important role from day to day. With the ever-increasing temperatures, the water requirements for your garden will increase continuously within the next few weeks.

A healthy and beautiful flowering garden requires not only a lot of work, care and time, but also the correct and sufficient irrigation is a central component for a rich green, healthy flowering and high yielding plants.


Think of an automatic irrigation system for garden, lawn, balcony, hedge, bed and much more and gain time, save on water costs and increase growth and harvest. Even during your absence (vacation) your plants are well supplied.

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