Raintime fog shower Vienna
Augustinerkeller Bietzinger / Albertina

High-pressure fog airstele

High pressure fog art technique
Delivery & installation company Raintime GmbH


Fog shower Vienna Augustinerkeller Bitzinger

In July 2019, a high-pressure fog system with fog steles was installed for cooling in the guest garden of the Augustinerkeller in front of the Albertina. The fog shower (the high-pressure fog cooling system) and the implementation of the project were carried out by the Austrian master company, company Raintime.


Technical specifications

70 bar high-pressure fog pump 2 liters per minute
Noise level <5 dB (A) at 0.2L per minute
Current consumption 0.75 kW
27 kg total weight
Size: 600 x 330 x 710 mm
including pulse / pause control and pressure adjustment

11 pieces of air steles
Material: stainless steel
D = with 33 mm at height 2.0 m

44 pieces high-pressure fog nozzle – airsteles
200 microns, approx. 2.7 l / h
at 70 to 80 bar throw about 2m


Mist Shower Albertina – carriage

Viennese restaurateur Sepp Bitzinger also installed a cooling shower to the adjoining Fiaker stand for the guest garden cooling.


Raintime high pressure fog systems

Highest quality is natural for Raintime high pressure pumps. The heart of every Classic high pressure pump is the robust high pressure pump and the robust electric motor designed for continuous load. Our high pressure pumps are manufactured, assembled and tested in our production near Vienna.

Many great projects

With our fog cooling systems, it is possible to achieve a tolerable and pleasant temperature even on very hot days, and to maintain it. Special features are the low energy and water consumption and the various uses. Noticeable cooling for any outdoor area, from the guest garden to terraces and public spaces. See for yourself!

Raintime references

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