Heat, drought, air pollution – to cool down cities and enable a better urban climate, large-scale measures are needed: Vertical greening. Green facades contribute significantly to dust binding, air humidification and air cooling and thus promote human health and the quality of life in the city. Green walls have the function of a natural air conditioning system with a cooling effect in summer and a heat-insulating effect in winter.

To provide a nurturing habitat for plants in such a challenging location as a façade, innovative and irrigation technology is required. Raintime designs an optimal, resource-saving and demand-oriented irrigation system for vertical greening.


How green walls positively influence the urban climate

  • Improving the microclimate
    By shading the façade and cooling by evaporation, plants act like small air conditioners. Green walls radiate less heat.
  • Improving air quality
    Fine dust is bound to the leaves, the plants produce oxygen and bind CO2.
  • Reduction of sound reflection
    Densely greened walls have a noise-reducing effect, as sound is reflected less than on smooth surfaces.
  • Energy saving
    Green walls reduce the energy required for cooling in summer and, in the case of walls without insulation, can even reduce heat loss in winter.
  • Compensation for interventions in nature and landscape
    Facade greening promotes the preservation of biodiversity and the expansion of habitats for plants and animals.


Optimal irrigation of green walls
with Raintime irrigation technology

Raintime is a specialist for irrigation technology. Our many years of experience enable us to develop individual and adequate irrigation solutions and implement them within budget. Our professional and technical planning ensures optimal and healthy growth of the green walls.

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