In 2018, well over 500,000 visitors were attracted by the annual film festival at Rathausplatz in Vienna. In addition to the cultural offer and the gustatory highlights, it is the cool ambience that makes many visitors stay there for a long time. It is cooled with water fog. The high-pressure fogging systems are coming again this year from the innovative Austrian company Raintime.

Raintime systems with water fog for cooling
Filmfestival 2019

For the film festival from 29.06. until 01.09.2019 at Vienna’s Rathausplatz two high-pressure mist systems were set up by Raintime.

Mid-range – tent roofing

Construction of a high-pressure mist system with 8 high-pressure fans model “World Exhibition”


Riva Aperol Bar

Construction of a high-pressure mist system for 3 chimneys / “APEROL 1919 steamship model”



The construction was accomplished by the Raintime assembly team within two working days

Systems with water fog for cooling

Evaporative cooling

Raintime systems for fog cooling work with high pressure. At 70 bar, water is forced through very fine nozzles, causing fog. For a better imagination: This means in numbers that 1 drop of water with 4 mm diameter is atomized into 12,000,000 mist droplets. With this enlarged surface, there is a sudden evaporation. This evaporation requires energy that is extracted from the environment, the temperature is cooled.

Raintime water fog cooling

The application possibilities of systems with water fog cooling are very versatile and range from private to commercial use of the own garden, the private terrace over dining gardens, restaurants, seminar and event rooms up to the public space.

Raintime fog technology convinces with its robustness, longevity and very low energy and water costs. Continuous further development sets our products apart from standard solutions, as reflected in our many reference projects and awards.

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