
Water features

Innovation System Water feature - PDF


The AquaSaal is available in different versions

AquaSaal110 with a visible diameter of 115 mm, this version can be put together variably in a modular system for any effect. They are available with a foam nozzle, jet nozzle or 3 high-pressure nozzles and the whole thing also with an RGB light effect.

AquaSaal50 with a visible diameter of 50 mm, this version is also partly variable, it is available with a jet nozzle, low-pressure nozzle or a high-pressure nozzle. A special example of the implementation of a water feature with the AquaSaal jets can be found in Vienna at the Praterstern, where Austria’s largest water feature was created as part of the redesign of the forecourt.

Examples AS110 & 50 - PDF
Bodendüse AS100 Dimensioning
Bodendüse AS50 Dimensioning
Installation situation AquaSaal - PDF

Mist technology

High-pressure systems, mist steles, diagram,…

Mist technology is used in various applications to reduce outside temperatures and increase outdoor comfort.

Areas of application include odor and dust control, creating mist effects in landscape areas, improving the productivity of greenhouses and conservatories, air humidification and the use of high pressure fans.

A modular control device enables simultaneous temperature control, air humidification and odor and dust control in different climate and air areas and can be monitored via Internet access.

Aufstellung Raintime Hochdrucknebelanlagen - PDF
Grundvoraussetzung Für Nebelstele RAINTIME 2022 - PDF
Mist stele principle sketch - PDF
Innovation System Fog - PDF

Documents, catalogs & printed works


Raintime Folder 2023, Single pages - PDF
Raintime Folder 2023, Total - PDF
Raintime Folder AquaSaal 2023 - PDF

Mist systems

Water used innovatively: air humidification, air cooling, dust and odor control using mist technology. This technology is clean and extremely energy-saving and even allows air cooling outdoors!

Irrigation systems

Plants need water… Modern irrigation systems offer you numerous advantages: time savings, lower water consumption, flexibility, increased value and, above all, a beautiful garden and healthy plants.

Water features

Modern and innovative products: water features, mist effects with tap water pressure, drinking fountains and much more – as well as overall concepts for open space and green space planners.

Technology & more

Diverse control technology for irrigation systems! Finest atomization in mist systems using the most modern pump technology and mist nozzles! Innovative product development and professional project management!

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Feel welcome to contact us. We will be happy to advise you and implement your project professionally according to your requirements.