The Ice Saints are over and from now on it’s busy in the garden, because now finally everything can be sown and planted. We have compiled a clear checklist of everything that needs to be done in the ornamental and kitchen garden.

Gardening in May

Checklist for the ornamental garden

  • ✅ Potted plants can now be brought outdoors after the ice saints
  • ✅ Create a flower meadow (Click here for instructions)
  • ✅ Root out tulips and put them in storage with the wilting shoots
  • ✅ Sow summer flowers such as nasturtiums, summer asters, zinnias
  • ✅ Plant precut summer flowers outdoors
  • ✅ Lay bulbs and tubers of summer flowers (gladioli, dahlias, tuberous begonias)
  • ✅ Break out old inflorescences (lilacs, rhododendrons)
  • ✅ Prune topiary shrubs
  • ✅ Prune lilacs after flowering season
  • ✅ Cut back almond trees after flowering
  • ✅ Prune boxwood regularly
  • ✅ Cut back jasmine shoots after flowering period
  • ✅ Spread bark mulch
  • ✅ Lawn care (mowing & scarifying) or
  • ✅ Wait for the remaining days of “Now Mow May” (explanation of “Now Mow May”)
  • ✅ In the case of oleander, remove the withered shoots and leaves from overwintering

Checklist for the kitchen garden

  • ✅ Loosen vegetable beds repeatedly with a hoe
  • ✅ Sow vegetables and salads: kohlrabi, carrots, radishes, lettuce, chard, leeks, beet, cucumbers, pumpkins, beans
  • ✅ Protect the sown vegetables and lettuces from pests with suitable nets and fleece
  • ✅ Blackberries, raspberries, jostaberries now with compost and mulch, also tie down the side shoots and remove weak young shoots near the ground


Check for weeds in flower and vegetable beds, as the unwanted seeds are often brought by birds.


Beneficial insects and pests in May

In May there is already a lot of crawling and creeping going on in the garden, so a lot should be done now to encourage beneficial insects and slow down pests.

  • ✅ Ladybugs should be encouraged against aphids
  • ✅ Keep cherry fruit flies away with yellow boards
  • ✅ Scour young vegetables for caterpillars
  • ✅ Protect cabbage plants against pests with nets
  • ✅ Plant chervil to protect against slugs, because as a bed border, chervil keeps slugs away from head and pick lettuces. It should be noted that chervil is not compatible with cress, cilantro, parsley and arugula.


Tips for watering the garden

  • ✅ Water the kitchen garden and ornamental garden in the morning hours
  • ✅ Keep the foliage dry when doing so and
  • ✅ Avoid waterlogging

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