Garden month May What to do about weeds?
Weeds sprout now abundantly and at almost all corners to the surface. Although dandelion or nettle are medicinal herbs and can be very useful, they slow down the growth of plants in beds because they remove water, nutrients and light from them. Remove weeds Getting...
Garden month April – your vegetable garden
Foto © Adobe Stock In the month of April is sown and planted joyfully, Nutzgärtner have a lot to do. For a successful gardening season, we have some gardening tips for you. Fruit trees By the beginning of April at the latest, you should sprinkle around 2.5 to 3 liters...
Facade greening as natural cooling
Green walls as natural cooling At the moment there is a lot of discussion about the planned facade greening in Vienna. In the indoor favorites / Kretaviertel of the Quellenstraße, the Absberggasse and the Gudrunstrasse are planned around 50 square meters of green...
TIPS for the garden in March
Foto © Adobe Stock It’s time! Now starting in mid-March, the classic gardening season begins. Young plantlets and various seeds can be placed in the beds, onions and salads are planted. The radiant March sun, numerous early bloomers and the twittering of birds...