Cool oasis at Praterstern: 500 square meters of water feature from Raintime
A new picture gallery from www.heute.at shows our impressive project “500 square meters water feature” in Vienna: https://www.heute.at/g/bildstrecke-abkuehlung-am-praterstern-mit-wasserspiel-und-xl-baeumen-100282357 The hot summer months are in full swing,...
Raintime water features & fog cooling at Klimaboulevard Thaliastraße Vienna
Pleasant cooling & refreshing atmosphere along the climate boulevard Through Raintime fog cooling & water features The Thaliastrasse climate boulevard shines in a new light, thanks to pioneering technologies from Raintime. As a leading provider of fog cooling...
Raintime Fog Cooling: Efficient & Sustainable Solution to Combat Heat in Cities
Photo © ORF – Picture Cut Documentary & Reportage | Theme Monday: Heat in the City – What Really Helps? The current edition of the ORF Doku & Reportage Themenmontag focuses on the explosive topic of heat in the city. The program “Heat in the...