Innovative & sustainable cooling for urban heat spots
Cooling-Spot in Vienna – Raintime “behind the Scenes” Currently we are in the middle of the preparations for a great project that will bring refreshing cooling in the city in the summer. To the delight of all Viennese and visitors, we are in the...
The right flower bed care
Opulent flowerbeds make a successful appearance in the garden and usually form its centerpiece. With the right choice of plants, flower lovers can enjoy new blooms again and again. Whether the flower bed becomes a truly colorful carpet of blossoms depends on proper...
The vegetable garden in June What to do?
June is a busy time in the vegetable garden: sowing, planting, fertilizing and not to forget, all the preparatory work of the last few weeks now pays off, because: harvest time begins! So now it’s time to enjoy and also water, because the temperatures are...