The management confirmation of the contractor cadastre Austria proves that we are listed in the list of suitable or qualified contractors according to the provisions of the BVergG 2006 and the ÖNORM A 2050.

In accordance with the provisions of § 70 (4) and § 231 (4) BVergG 2006 and ONR 12051, the company’s proof of suitability for the contracting authority can be called up for suitability testing under our company code 53999.




ANKÖ execution confirmation 2020 (PDF)


The contractor cadastre Austria (ANKÖ) is a full-service provider in the field of public procurement. Originally specialized in proof of suitability, the ANKÖ now offers all services related to public procurement: from the tender database to the collection of aptitude certificates and a platform for e-procurement. This makes it the only Austrian one-stop shop in this field – for clients and contractors. His services make procurement easier, more efficient, more transparent and fairer. (Source:

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