Green walls as natural cooling
At the moment there is a lot of discussion about the planned facade greening in Vienna. In the indoor favorites / Kretaviertel of the Quellenstraße, the Absberggasse and the Gudrunstrasse are planned around 50 square meters of green space in about 50 houses. In the best case, these approximately 850 square meters of green space replaced about 30 air conditioning systems.
Urban green spaces
increase the quality of life
Due to their evaporation and shading effect, the greening of facades in urban areas is becoming increasingly important. Green walls generate oxygen, bind carbon dioxide and dust and positively influence the microclimate. A leafy facade is an extremely space-saving air purification system.
That’s how natural cooling works
When the sun is shining, the plants reaching over the house wall start to “sweat”. The stored water in the plant evaporates and is released into the environment. This leads to an immediate cooling.
Additional effect! In the winter, perennial climbing plants have the effect of insulating them and thus helping to reduce heating costs.
Facade greening company Raintime
Raintime is a specialist in this field. Our many years of experience enable us to implement such innovative and above all individual solutions on time and on budget. The professional and technical designs guarantee optimal and healthy growth of these “hanging gardens”.
Project data
Green wall – Office building of the city of Vienna
Automatic irrigation system for facade greening
Project for the Municipal Department MA 31
Beginning of October 2015 – end of April 2016
Green wall with 35 outer troughs
Control of the entire irrigation takes place according to demand over 20 floor sensors & weather station
Technical data of the irrigation system
Size of the galvanized metal troughs 300 cm x 60 cm and a height of 70cm
Control Irrigation: IQ Miniserver
Sensors: 20 IQ sensors with two measuring points each and with a separate temperature measurement
Flow control is via an ultrasonic water meter
Digital weather station for
* Air temperature
* rel. humidity
* Air pressure
* Wind speed
* Wind direction
* Precipitation
* Brightness
* Dew point
Irrigation pipes: pressure compensated (0.5 to 4 bar)
Drip tube with 2 liters per hour per dropper
Drip interval is 33 cm