For almost two weeks now, the new cooled feel-good oasis at Vienna’s Praterstern has been delighting its visitors. The once concrete-heavy traffic junction now inspires as a climate-friendly urban design with its 8,000 square meters of green space, 101 trees and a unique water feature.


Water feature at Praterstern

Raintime special design with jets & light technology

The water feature with a size of 500 square meters reminds in its star shape of the original appearance of the Praterstern. The water jets, sprinklers and foggers, which alternate according to temperature and season, cool the square and can also be switched off if necessary. In combination with the green areas and trees, this creates a pleasant microclimate.


Sponge city principle

Precipitation, as well as fresh water from the water feature, is directed into the sponge city, contributing to a better water supply for the trees.

The sponge city principle combined with climate engineering has proven to be an optimal solution for a comfortable and cooling climate, as we have been able to demonstrate in many projects, including the Singapore Pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai.


Raintime Fog Cooling
Climate-friendly & future-oriented fog technology

Raintime “Dry Mist” processes work with this principle of evaporative cooling. Water is finely atomized by high pressure in combination with special high pressure nozzles, because the finer the mist, the stronger the cooling effect. The microscopic droplets coming out of the fog nozzles extract heat from the ambient air, and evaporative cooling is produced.

Raintime high-pressure spray misting systems are environmentally friendly and conserve resources. They save electricity and use very little water.

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